Mobilyanın Sembolleşmesi ve Güncel Yönelimler

Mobilyanın Sembolleşmesi ve Güncel Yönelimler


  • Işıl Özçam
  • H. Şebnem Uzunarslan



Medium of Form, Symbol, Communication, Furniture Design, Social Analysis, Technical Extent


Since the commencement of its use furniture, which always stood on a symbolic ground through the lifestyles and cultural accumulations of the human beings, has always been an object of communication as well as its practical use. This communication is conveyed by means of units which constitute the medium of form, indicators and symbols. Upon the recognition of communication via design in the beginning of the last century, furniture has gained a use of transmitting messages and ideologies. Today, furniture has reached to a broad content and variety. Artists and designers look into the form of furniture as an instrument to convey ideas, philosophy, statements and emotions. And furniture has become an application area where experimental productions, contemporary materials, scientific researches, current designs and ideas take place at the same time. The end user who reads the desings from his/her perspective is free to pick one amongst which gives the feeling of differentiation and gaining status in the society or which has a descriptive way matching with the end user's point of view. Symbolized furniture comes forth in the common ground of contemporary art and design by having the conceptual content and message more dominant than the practical use.

