Turizm Odaklı Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma İçin Bir Yöntem Önerisi

Turizm Odaklı Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma İçin Bir Yöntem Önerisi


  • Mehmet Çakılcıoğlu




Growth and development, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Tourism


Sustainable development is based on protection and development of resources. Continuous exploiting of resources while protecting them, especially supporting the development of renewable resources without exceeding the limit of renovation, is the basis of the philosophy of development that protects the environment. It is obvious that in tourism sector which has the environment as basic capital, it is hard to make development and thus benefit from the economic functions of tourism with destroyed environment. Here again the basic problem is related with how to achieve the healthy development of tourism. The solution of this problem lies on protecting and improving the resources which tourism benefits from in the development process. However, in plan and projects, limited and insufficient predictions about using and protecting of resources in the future, apart from solving the problem, make it heavier. In this study, “growth”, “sustainable growth” and“sustainable tourism” concepts will be analyzied and in the end there will be a suggestion of a method for sustainabletourism. If the process could be managed through the adviced method, “sustainable tourism” will be a device for sustainable economic and social development, especially in the regions which have tourism potential but relatively have less economic development.

