A Sustainable Post-Industrial Construct for Haydarpaşa
Haydarpaşa için Sürdürülebilir bir Post-Endüstriyel Kurgu
Conservation, heritage, haydarpaşa ındustrial landscape, sustainable developmentAbstract
Cities encounter transformations due to the social, political, and economic needs of the society, contributing to their dynamic structure. As a facilitator of such transformation processes, industrial areas have been important nodes for urban development as the industrialization process led to significant changes in the urban landscape by the new settlements and provided public services, constituting the new face of modern cities that have been evolving to date. When these industrial areas distinguish from their previous functions in the contemporary period, they develop into post-industrial landscapes. Today, the post[1]industrial landscapes continue their significant role in the cities by the historical and cultural value they inherit, the land value, economic benefits and potential they promise in the contemporary urban context. However, these areas are progressively coming under threat of new developments. The impact of new projects in the post-industrial landscapes can cause a diminishing of the landscape’s character, local distinctiveness, and public use and accessibility. Thus, the protection, reclaim, use, and management of these areas in the post-industrial period promote important discussion points in the context of urban and publicity. In Europe, since the 1970s, new approaches and practices of industrial area conservation have been discussed. In this regard, transforming the post-industrial spaces with a holistic and sustainable approach is viewed as an important factor in the preservation of their identity and social value, and ensuring their re-integration into the cities as efficient public spaces. Worldwide accepted sustainable conservation principles include the detection of cultural heritage in the post-industrial areas by understanding their togetherness with their surrounding landscape. In Turkey, post-industrial landscapes are facing challenges with new development projects which often result in their isolation from the urban context by privatization and limited public access, ultimately threatening the continuity of the area in the city life and urban memory. Similarly, today, the Haydarpaşa Station and Port Area has become a neglected and indistinct place in the city. There are various reasons behind this situation such as the fire accident in 2010, the Marmaray Project and long-term restoration projects which have terminated the train services and some buildings’ functions, and restricted the public use of this area for an unknown period. Nevertheless, Haydarpaşa as a post-industrial landscape constitutes great importance for the collective memory and identity in Istanbul by the experiences and memoirs associated with it historically, besides being a key location for the city’s industrial and infrastructural development, and architectural and industrial heritage. Its location in the city center is precious, constituting a transition place between the city and the sea, being proximate to various transportation networks and surrounded by the active daily life of the city. On the other hand, this advantage has become the vulnerability of Haydarpaşa as this area has been facing threats of urban transformation projects in its recent history, by miscellaneous projects including hotel, archeo-park, mall propositions, etc. These speculative projects have undergone changes over the years yet still have not been identified and clearly publicized. By the resulting ambiguity, the heritage of Haydarpaşa and the urban memory attached to it are being lost as the historical continuum and sense of place are intervened by commercial aims and mega-transformation imaginations that are far from seeking the sensibilities of the site and public. On the other hand, a sustained train station function and adaptive reuse proposition for the area can assure the protection and continuity of its heritage and values. To comprehend and interpret the precarious situation with Haydarpaşa Post-Industrial Landscape, sustainable approaches to post-industrial landscape conservation and adaptive reuse can be suggested. In this regard, this article claims that sustainable conservation of post-industrial landscapes can contribute to the sustainable development of cities from the social, economic, ecological and urban related respects. On this subject, a literature review has been made to explore sustainable conversation strategies for post-industrial landscapes from the universal charters and formulas. Consequently, site analysis and study of the history of Haydarpaşa Port and Station Area have been made. Later, a master plan on Haydarpaşa Post-Industrial Landscape which integrates the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations is examined. In the end, it is concluded that the conservation of post-industrial areas, as in the studied case of Haydarpaşa, can generate aligned goals and benefits with sustainable development goals for cities